The Costumier’s Mannequin

Available at: Buderim Art Studio

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This beautiful pastel by Kate Smith is a fascinating work because the subject alludes to Kate’s multi-talented creativity and the earlier part of her life before she became a professional artist, and it is a chronicle of something personally significant to Kate. “The Costumier’s Mannequin” is also a piece that has allowed Kate to step away momentarily from a style of work that collectors are more accustomed to, so that she could spread her creative wings to feel more alive and make something fresh.  “The Costumier’s Mannequin” is part of body of work that Kate produced in more recent times that feature whimsical clothing mannequins, the kind used by dressmakers and couturiers. These paintings reference Kate’s love of fashion and garments and the early part of her life when she had ambitions of becoming a fashion designer, moving from New Zealand to Sydney to take on the world of clothing design. An unfortunate mishap on the trip over saw her sewing machine get damaged and on arrival in Australia Kate also tragically discovered that all her beautiful European fabrics she’d ordered for her clothing designs had accidentally been shipped back to Germany! Kate’s life then steered off in other directions and she went on to became an accomplished artist. Not surprisingly, glamour and fashion remain signature elements in Kate’s beautiful pastels, with the beautiful women in her pieces often dressed in stylish garments conjured from Kate’s imagination. Both Kate and her husband remained fascinated by fashion all their lives, dressing in beautiful and stylish clothing. Kate has often joked about her husband’s copious collection of designer black skinny jeans! This lovely work, “The Costumier’s Mannequin” tells just one story from Kate’s rich and unpredictable life! I hope you’ll enjoy it and the special meaning it holds for Kate.
Pastel on Paper
74 x 70 cm
110 x 102 cm
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