Benevolence – No. 1506 of 1650 (1934) – SOLD
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Tiffany’s Research Notes on “Benevolence”:
“Benevolence” is a limited edition colour print that rarely becomes available for sale and it has a long and interesting history.
This print “Benevolence” is a limited edition reproduction from the original watercolour of the same name that was painted in 1934.
The print edition was produced in 1934 by William Hacket in Sydney using 18 lithographic plates. Initially only, a handful of the total edition (which numbered about 1,900 prints) were sold and then the rest were purchased as one bulk lot in the years after the Depression.
This bundle was lost and then recovered some years later by workmen clearing rubbish from a suburban Sydney garage. The entire edition was then offered to Ibis Imprints who carefully inspected each print and kept only those in perfect condition, reducing the total edition number to 1,650. The original watercolour of “Benevolence” is currently held in a private West Australian collection.
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